‘Rwy’n Credu’ (I believe) is a collection of new songs of faith by Christian singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Cass Meurig.
Click here to buy the CD Rwy’n credu.
Cass’s songs combine scripture, Welsh folk song and reflection on life. They speak of faith, love, joy, and hope and are born of an intimate relationship with Christ. Inspired by her own faith and life journey, Cass weaves together Bible verses and hauntingly beautiful Welsh melodies, accompanying herself sensitively on fiddle, crwth, viola, guitar and piano.
Cass’s previous album of Christian songs ‘Taith’ was premiered in Coda Festival and performed on S4C’s Dechrau Canu Dechrau Canmol and throughout Wales. During the Covid lockdown she released a number of liturgical settings to Welsh folk tunes on her Youtube Channel which proved popular for online services and have become favourites with congregations throughout Wales.
The many fans of ‘Taith’ will love ‘Rwy’n Credu’. This is music for the soul.
Click on the song title for lyrics:
Rwy’n credu
Mae Iesu’n fy ngharu
Dwêd wrth dy Dduw
Os daw gofid
Gobaith i’r ddaear
Iesu’r Arglwydd yw